
Showing posts from January, 2009

Fun with Forks

Until tonight, Mackay used a spoon merely as an accelerator for transporting yogurt onto the floor or cabinets. In today's exciting news, Mackay has had her first successful use of an eating utensil. She used a fork, repeatedly, to pick up various vegetables like olives and beans, and actually deliver them to her mouth. Each time she speared something, she uttered a little 'heh heh' and looked mighty pleased with herself.  Hey - in this economy, we gotta celebrate the little things. 

Giant Baby Destroys Theme Park

Happy New Year to all! Santa, friends and family were extraordinarily generous this year, and the divine miss M has more toys than she can handle. However, she is still unclear on the concept of her Little People schoolbus, circus, and garage. When she's not trying to climb or sit on them, she is ripping the little people out of their seats, chewing on their heads, and leaving their vehicles and games in a pile of wreckage behind her. If you hear of any toy manufacturers that are looking for children to drop test their products, send them our way. Mackay is a one-kid demolition crew.