Owen's Latest Capers

Here's a pic of Owen in the hospital. He had a probe inserted through his nostril this am to test for possible acid reflux (he was NOT a happy camper about that process). But he's adjusted with his usual aplomb. The biggest issue is that there is a fairly heavy monitor attached to the wires that gave only about two feet of distance to the person holding it. With Owen being 'on the move' - this kind of tether was pretty much unacceptable. Bill,being the resourceful guy he is, quickly ran to a local shop and found this little backpack, so Owen can now tote around his monitor himself. After some adjustment to walking with this weight on his back (he'll probably fall flat on his face once we remove the backpack), he is now roaming the halls at will, with his food intake paperwork in hand - looking for all the world like one of the doctors checking their charts.

This little guy is truly amazing.

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