The rains (and thunder, and hail, and lightning) seem to have finally gone away. They have apparently done wonders for Mackay and Owen, though - who are growing like proverbial weeds. Owen's now over 15 pounds, and while it's likely he'll need to have at least one more surgery at some point in the next year or so, he's doing well now. He is, quite frankly, the happiest baby I've ever met. He keeps busy commando crawling his way around the floor, and smiling at his big sister, who he thinks hung the moon.

Mackay is mostly a joy, when she's not doing her daily imitation of the demon from the exorcist. This stops when they are three, right?

We let her watch Sesame Street and Dora on our laptops occasionally, but because we almost never watch 'real' TV, she is totally unclear on the concept of commercials. Regardless, her favorite show is Spongebob Squarepants (yes, I know she's only 2). Bill was recently watching this with her on the big TV, and a commercial came on. Mackay looks at the screen - with all the derision a 2 year old can muster - and yells 'THIS is NOT Spongebob!!!"

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