
Showing posts from 2013


Not sure if Owen is hard of hearing or he just doesn't pay attention, but his most likely response to any statement or question lately is 'What??' He says it very quickly, with a clipped enunciation and a hard 't' that makes it sounds like we are - quite possibly - wasting his time. It's pretty funny, and has largely become a part of our family vernacular. 


It's hard to even believe that our little Mac is now, officially, a kindergartener. And she is loving it! Here's a pic of the fam on her first day (sorry for the backlighting). I'm grateful for this picture, because we look calm and happy. The 'first day dropoff' at her new school was possibly the most stressful event I've lived through, and that's saying something. I couldn't even get a picture once we were at the school because things were so chaotic. Arriving late, among hundreds of parents and nervous/excited kids, no idea where we were going, having to park illegally and bolt across traffic, and Mackay having a small panic attack while I wrenched her off my leg once we got to her class.  I'm pleased to say that this morning (Day 3, mind you) we managed to actually get her to her classroom ahead of time.  Owen is now in his second year at preschool. He thinks school is the best thing ever, which makes mornings so much easier. I've hear...


Owen and Mackay are starting karate lessons. They are both super excited about it, though they have only gone through a short intro with the instructor. Nonetheless, apparently Owen may have quite the aptitude for it - the teacher said he was doing defense moves instinctively that other kids who are 7 and 8 still haven't learned. Time will tell if they stick with it. Mackay has already tried and dismissed gymnastics and dance...though she loves swimming! Will post pics soon.

Owie Update

Bill took Owen in for his cardiology appointment (he's been going every 6 months). The echocardiogram shows that his aortic arch is growing (which is good), and an area of concern right below where they did his surgeries is also looking good. While she won't rule out another surgery at some point when he starts big growth spurts, his cardiologist said that she's taking Owen off the surgery watch list for now. This is a huge relief!! Owie just finished his first year in preschool, and continues to charm the older ladies at every opportunity.  Above is a snapshot of Owen working his magic with the beautiful 8 year old twins who stayed next door to us in Kauai.


Mackay, busy sucking on a Popsicle, says 'now my tongue wants to go lay by the fire.' Interesting perspective.

Fashionista at Large

Mackay is a clotheshorse. She loves putting together her own outfits, and as long as she heads out of the house dressed, we're fine with it. Here is today's example.

A man of many questions

Owen has begun asking the most entertaining (and perceptive) questions. Just a few from the past days: 'Do zombies have families?' 'Sometimes, are witches boys?' 'Do turtles grow arms?'  'Are lobsters creatures?' And they keep on coming.  We wish everyone a good Memorial Day, and are grateful for those who have - and are - serving our country. 

Bikes, bikes, bikes!

Since our last update, Mackay has become incredibly proficient on her bike. She learned to ride without training wheels pretty early (at about 3 1/2)  but she's really starting to master it!  Bill got her a new bike yesterday, after she wanted to ride to and from her swimming lesson - about an 8 mike round trip! She did it with no problem. Until Mac got the new bike, Owen really didn't care about riding a two wheeler - he has a little scooter that he blasts around on. But seeing his big sis get all this attention is piquing his interest again. In any case, here's a pic of proud Mackay and her cool new bike.