Happy New Year
THANK GOD 2011 is over. For 2012, we don't need anything spectacular -- I'd be happy with a slow, boring, uneventful, but healthy year. Despite our bumpy road in 2011, we did have a lovely Christmas, with - as Bill pointed out repeatedly to everyone who came within 10 feet of our house - the world's most beautiful Christmas tree. It truly was gorgeous. And this year, we got smarter and put plastic ornaments on the bottom, significantly reducing the volume of glass shards that occurred last year when Owen could no longer restrain himself and had to pluck them off and huck them across the room. We were able to celebrate with friends and family for Christmas, and then headed to Tahoe in search of some snow and Mac and Owen's Bennett cousins. Unfortunately, it was clear and largely sunny the whole week, with not a snowflake to be found. We drove all the way to the top of Mount Rose (10,000 feet) just to find a patch of ice to take the kids sledding. They had a great time an...