
Showing posts from October, 2011

Birthdays and kid-related funnies

Lots of news. Owen turned two, and is proud to tell anyone who asks! He'll answer either "I'm two" or "Woody." I guess age and halloween costumes are easily interchangeable at this age. I'll upload pics of birthday and halloween soon! Mackay recently had a funny incident with my mom. After diligently trying to explain something to her nana several times, and my mom (who is a tad hard of hearing in one ear) not understanding, Mackay said 'Nana, I don't think your ears are hearing what I am trying to tell them!' And just tonight, I overheard Bill talking to Mackay, For all the world, I thought I heard Bill ask her "So, what do you think about Jesus." Those of you who know our household might understand why I would be surprised to hear this question. Had I given it a moment's thought, though, I would have realized that I had just delivered them a cup of Cheez Its. Bill now thinks we have a mass market for a bumper sticker called...


Appropriate for the upcoming holiday... the last time we were up visiting my Mom (up in the woods, where various creatures large and small abound), I was packing up our bags to head home. Behind me, I hear Owen say 'Bug on head! BUG ON HEAD!!' I turn around, and sure enough, he has an enormous spider on the top of his head. Owen's just pointing at it, and is clearly waiting for me to do something. Those of you who know how much I love spiders will not be surprised to hear that I actually considered leaving the room and letting him deal with it on his own. However, I'm proud to say that I grabbed Mackay's sock and successfully knocked the spider onto the ground, where it skittered under my Mom's bed. Come to think of it, I don't think I mentioned that to her. Sorry, Mom.