
Showing posts from March, 2011

Prayers for Japan

Our household was evacuated at 5 am on Friday over concerns over a possible tsunami in Half Moon Bay, the result of the horrific earthquake in Japan. We were incredibly lucky - the harbor rose and fell 5 feet in the course of an hour - but thanks to a low tide, we had no real issues in our area. But our hearts are breaking for Japan. We're lucky so far in that everyone we know there are safe - but there are so many who were not. The only tiny light we've had during this tragedy falls into the 'from the mouths of babes' category. Mackay is an avid listener to NPR while she and Bill are en route to wherever they are going. She can't figure out 'Why do they keep talking about the salami?' Despite this little bit of humor, we are sending every positive bit of energy we can to the people of Japan. We wish them strength and resilience and hope.

It's Happened

The stars have finally aligned. The dam has broken. Alert the papers. Mackay has pooped on the potty. Twice. On two consecutive days. Wherever you are, it's not so far away that you can't hear the collective sigh of relief coming from the Borovac-Bennett household at the prospect of reducing our Costco purchases to just one set of diapers. HALLELUJAH!! She's very proud of herself, and is definitely basking in the accolades being bestowed by friends and family.