
Showing posts from November, 2008

Birthdays, Bee stings, Bliss

A note to my beautiful daughter on her first birthday.  I can't believe it has been a year since you fought your way into this world. We knew you would be strong based on the odds you overcame just to get here. In addition to strength, you bring focused determination (can't imagine where you got that), feisty humor, and pure joy to everything that you do. Words can't describe the happiness that you bring to everyone around you.  For your birthday, we had a celebration, mostly to thank everyone who has supported you in your first year (and us, before you were born). You had friends and family here to give you kisses, and you received birthday wishes from many who live too far to travel, including family, friends, and the nurses who cared for us in the hospital. We are so very, very lucky.  As one might expect, your birthday was not without its ups and downs. We had lots of laughs with the fantastic Pinata your  Godmother Rosi brought for you. We had a few tears when partygoe...


Just a few pics of miss Mack from Halloween. She refused to wear her costume for more than a few minutes, so she was mostly 'sans bee.' 

New words, new teeth

Mackay is finally approaching opposable teeth. After 3+ months with just her bottom two, her copious drool is paying off. She finally has a tooth on top. Appropriate for halloween - it's not a top center tooth, but one of the ones a vampire would use... But it looks like the top center ones are not far behind.  Other novelties: She says 'hi' pretty regularly. She sort of whispers it, like its some kind of secret. She also points out 'eyes' on every creature she comes across. Glad I didn't teach her 'balls.'