
Showing posts from April, 2008

Rolling Along

Mackay is a rolling machine. A few weeks ago, she decided she had had enough tummy time and rolled on her back. After doing this five times in a row, she decided enough was enough and didn't roll over for a few weeks. Now she has learned to roll from back to front and she is rolling all over the place. Seems kind of funny that this is even notable, but as all parents know this is actually a critical part of child development. Now if we can teach her to vacuum or do the dishes....

Finding Childcare

Finding someone you trust to take care of your child when you go back to work is, in a word, grueling. You worry about the petri dish of daycare. You read the articles about nanny cams and the horrible acts they record. You try to figure out a work schedule that meet the needs of your family. And honestly, even though you may be working 'part time', you are probably still a full time mom, cook, and everything else that comes with the territory. When you're ready (or partially ready) to return to work, how do you find the right person to care for your little one? Here are a few suggestions that worked for me: 1) Place an ad in your local paper (I live in a small town, so our local paper is a pretty good resource). I've heard from other moms that Craigslist is a good second option. 2) Is there a mothers' club in your area? Mom's club websites and lists are great resources for posting ads or asking for help. 3) When you are ready to interview, Babycenter ( http://...


2007 was a year of miracles. 2008 is going to be a year of changes. New baby, new house, new work... We hope that this site will help keep those near and far just a little closer.